Friday, September 19, 2008

7 rules for a happy, well-behaved dog

An article from Seattle Times

Here’s one of the best newspaper articles that I’ve read about raising puppies responsibly into happy dogs. Deborah Wood writes in the
Seattle Times an article called, “Good human: 7 rules for a happy, well-behaved dog“.
Here’s part of the article:
Rule 1: Start early. Every Wednesday night, thepuppies take over Dog Days Dog Training in Vancouver, Wash. There isequipment to play on, new friends to make during structured playtime,basic commands to learn and plenty of potty breaks.
Rule 2: If you didn’t start early, train your dognow. One study showed one of the biggest differences between dogs thatare given to shelters and those that aren’t was obedience classes. Dogsthat know such simple skills as sit, come and walking on a leash arebetter companions than those that don’t. And dogs can learn at any age.
Rule 3: Exercise your dog. Barking, jumping andconstantly nagging his owner to play ball are signs that a dog isn’tgetting the exercise it needs. A tired dog is a good dog.
Click here for the rest…

Funny Puppies