Unlike most other canids, dogs are not monogamous, and breeding in feral packs is not restricted to a dominant alpha pair. Male dogs are unusual among canids by the fact that they play no role in raising their puppies, and do not kill the young of other females to increase their own reproductive success. Dogs differ from wolves and most other large canid species by the fact that they do not regurgitate food for their young, nor the young of other dogs in the same territory.
Dogs develop their own societies. Puppies participate with their littermates in learning to relate to other dogs. Dogs learn to successfully relate to other dogs by keeping the peace, rather than by constantly fighting to reestablish this hierarchy.
You are inccorect about dogs regurgitating for their young.I have been breeding siberian huskies for almost 10 years and my dogs do regurgitate for their young regularly.
Well honestly the more I reread this post I wonder where this information came my males actively participate in puppy care too.Also I do know many dogs males & females will & do kill the young of others,many wolves do not. I would advise doing serious homework before posting I think generalizing all dogs is a mistake
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